Worldwide Missions Outreach Ministries (WMOM), is affiliated to Ambassadors International Network (AIN), which is a member of Churches In Communities International (CIC). It exists to provide the following services and benefits to our Network members:
We provide Ministerial Accreditation & Ordination for Church Ministers as well as those leading para-church ministries, independent chaplains (appointed to hospitals, prisons, youth, communities, the armed forces and sports agencies), Bible colleges, Kingdom businesses, organisations and entrepreneurs, professionals, Christians in politics, government and public life and networks. We provide our members with formal accreditation based on accountability which is recognized and respected by all Church denominations and the public sector in the UK, including the Catholic Church, Church of England, Methodist Church, the Coptic Church and Baptist Churches.
We provide a Covering & Accountability Structure to members - Independent Churches, Ministries, Ministers, Chaplains, Professionals and Networks. For this purpose, reviews are conducted annually for members of the Network.
We provide recognition for our members by representing them in four areas of influence: Government, Media, Academia and Faith, Endorsing and encouraging their good standing in the community.
Mutual support and encouragement are at the heart of WMOM. We create opportunities for Christian leaders to develop new friendships, explore fresh ideas and share expertise at our monthly meetings, conferences and retreats.
• In addition to the benefits specified above, WMOM provides:
Ministry and Leadership training programmes through its associated colleges, WMOM School Of Ministry and Ambassadors college of Ministry designed to enhance the Ministry skills of Pastors, Associate Pastors, Church leaders, Chaplains, Entrepreneurs, Professionals, Government & Public officials and those who feel called to Christian Ministry. These training programmes can lead to University degree awards, subject to status. Worldwide Missions Outreach Ministries School Of Ministry in conjunction with Ambassadors College offers Certificate, Diploma and Degree Programmes (from Bachelors to Doctorate) in Theology, Biblical Studies, Evangelism, Missions, Ministry, Media and Arts and Christian education. The College is affiliated to Friends International Christian University (FICU USA). FICU has produced a number of world, renowned preachers of the Gospel, among whom are Bishop T D Jakes, Dr. Frederick Price, Dr. Bill Wilson, Ron Kenoly etc.
• Vision Facilitation: The dreams and visions of members are facilitated by WMOM / AIN leadership who have wide experience in their fields of Ministry
• Charity & Company Information and Registration
• Church and Ministry set ups and Advice on Church Administration, Business Administration, Leadership and Good Governance.
• Accounting & Financial Advice, including Gift Aid Registration & Claims
• Training and Equipping members to be effective in Evangelism, Missions, Discipleship in fulfilment of the Great Commission. [Mark 16:15-18]
[Matthew 28:18-20]
• Continuous Professional Development in Ministry (CPDiM) Programmes designed to enhance members’ Ministry skills and academic credibility and Qualifications.
• Earning an Accredited Qualification (Certificates, Diplomas and University Degrees from Bachelors to Doctorate) through our Unique Lifetime Independent Studies Assessment (LISA) Programmes validated by Friends International Christian University (USA)
• Recommending Members’ Children to gain access to Church Schools run by Church of England, Methodist Church, Catholic Church and other denominations.
• Providing opportunities (Master Classes) for encounters with Kingdom Market Place Ministers and Entrepreneurs, both Local and International who are accomplished in their field of Ministry for impartation and experience sharing.
• Providing Prayer and Spiritual Cover for Ministers, their Ministries and Families through our Kingdom Prayer Centre headed by our Reverend Clara Danso.
• Intervening and providing Pastoral Support to Churches, Ministers, Ministries and Networks and Resolving conflicts.
Core values are: Integrity, Compassion & Co-operation
Subscription fees are available upon request. However, ALL FEES cover the cost of subscription payable to CIC for Accreditation and Ordination, WMOM & AIN Ministerial Certificates, Administration & Registration, Counselling and Advice, Intervention and other services provided by the network as indicated above.
• Please note that subscription fees are subject to periodic increases on an annual basis
For further enquiries contact:
UK & International Headquarters:
The Executive Secretary
Ambassadors International Network
UK & International Headquarters:
The Executive Secretary
Ambassadors International Network
Praise House
145-151 London Road
Croydon, Surrey, CR0 2RG
Tel: 0208 667 9504
Mob: 07950777158
Web: www.
1. Rev. Dr. Hugh Osgood
President, Churches in Communities International, St. Paul’s House, Edison Road, Bromley, BR2 OEP, UK
• Moderator, Free Churches Group UK
• President, Churches Together in England
• Co-Chair, Pentecostal & Charismatic Movement, UK
2. Bishop Noel McLean
• Vice President, Churches in Communities International, St. Paul’s House, Edison Road, Bromley, BR2 OEP, UK
• Bishop & General Overseer, Yahweh Christian Centre, UK.